Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dental Implants Las Vegas Can Dental Implants Be Used To Replace 1st And 2nd Molars?

Can dental implants be used to replace 1st and 2nd molars? - dental implants las vegas

The dentist I saw said it was difficult to place dental implants in the back of the mouth, 2 including the molars He said the reason there is less bone in the back of the mouth. Is there a way around this? Dental implants are successful in the 1 and 2 Molar areas of the mouth are often made? I have two molars on the 2nd the top right and bottom left, which may require eventually replaced by implants.


Bouncing... said...

On the upper back, there is often a thin layer of bone, the teeth were removed because it is a bubble in the bone called his chest.

Sometimes surgery is needed for bone to grow in this area. before the implants can be placed.

Normally, the child is not a problem of the jaw, because there are no air bubbles in it (that's the sinuses of the nose get in touch) are, however, if you can be a very thin layer of bone is very difficult.

If there is a way to have the teeth that instead save! it would be much cheaper for a start and bone, no matter what happens.

justin r said...

Get a new dentist! Yes, you can use the implants for two molars. All you worry about is how much bone is lost it. It's time for you and implants are not guaranteed. Before extracted teeth, make sure that they really need to pull. You do not have teeth that can chew, unless the people can see if they are missing teeth, teeth are very important to try them!

Fountain of Youth said...

Be careful on the implants, because if you get in a car accident, where usually only a couple loses a tooth, the person can get implants or jaw broken and destroyed, unless the technology since the 90s has changed

I do not know lol sorry

Floyd S said...

The simple answer is "YES", you can .... However, before you attempt to do so, the physician must ensure that their general health is good and above all, their jaws are healthy. Implants are very dangerous if a person is generally unhealthy and very risky if the patient has a history of bone disease of all sorts.

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